Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bukti Pembayaran dari Neobux

Pada PTC (Paid To Click) anda akan dibayar untuk “mengklik” link & meliahat IKLAN. Sama sekali tidak dibutuhkan keahlian khusus untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dari peluang usaha gratis yang satu ini. Anda akan dibayar dengan DOLLAR! ($) karena jenis bisnis gratis seperti ini umumnya berasal dari luar negeri.

Lebih sedikit meluangkan waktu (Kurang dari 5 menit per hari) namun dengan pendapatan yang lebih optimal. Program PTC yang saya rekomendasikan saat ini adalah neobux, mengingat dari puluhan program PTC yang pernah saya ikuti
sebagian besar pendapatan yang pernah saya terima adalah berasal dari program ini.

Berikut merupakan gambaran screenshoot bukti pendapatan neobux saya di member area:

Status keanggotaan saya ketika screenshoot tersebut di buat adalah masih sebagai pioneer member (member gratis/standard) & sudah mendapatkan 16 kali pembayaran instant dengan nominal lebih dari $ 140 USD, baru kira kira tanggal 8 Juni 2009, setelah melalui pertimbangan yang cukup matang pada akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk mengupgrade keanggotaan menjadi Golden Member dengan mengeluarkan dana sebesar $ 90 USD. Saya mengatakan hal ini tanpa ada tujuan sedikitpun untuk meminta anda agar mengupgrade keanggotaan juga. Ini hanya sekedar share pengalaman saya pribadi. Saran saya…, silahkan anda upgrade ketika anda sudah merasa siap untuk itu. Silahkan Join Disini ( KLIK TULISAN "SKIP ADS" DI POJOK KANAN ATAS).

Total pembayaran yang telah saya terima hingga saat ini dari dari neobux adalah sebesar: $ 611.56 USD, plus $ 155.65 USD untuk program PTC luar non neobux dan, Rp. 301.100,- untuk program PTC lokal/dalam negeri (Up date per tanggal 14 Februari 2010)

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Make Money at NeoBux, Just Browsing Sponsor’s Ads..!!!

Today is March 5 2010, happy to see your again, I will introduce your a website which make money just to browsing sponsor’s ads, The website is NeoBux PTC (Paid To Click).

NeoBux is a free worldwide service available in both English and Portuguese language.

NeoBux service consists of allowing advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their advertisement in NeoBux website and users to earn money by viewing those advertisements.

NeoBux users click on the advertiser’s ad and view it during the amount of time specified by the advertiser. After viewing the ad, the user gets credited with a pre-determined amount of cash on their NeoBux account.

You don’t need to pay us to start earning. So, register NeoBux now and start earning money for free!

Frist I talk about all of your consider about how much can your win?
The amount of cash your earns varies between the user’s membership, the ad viewed and the number of referrals your have.

This is my first Payment (Instant):

And this is my second Payment (Instant):

That’s let me for example:

If you have a Golden Membership, click 10 top ads a day and refer 150 members who also click 10 top ads a day: And that your can win $30.2 (US dollars) per day that translates to around $936.2 (US dollars) per month. Now, try to multiply that for a year! With even more referrals (which can be rented or obtained freely) and more ads, we will leave it to your imagination.
(This is just an example. Actual earnings can be different depending on the factors above and we cannot predict or assure them.)

You don’t need to pay NeoBux to start earning. So, register now and start earning money for free right now!

Second I talk about how much money do you get paid?

The amount NeoBux pay you is divided between several factors.

First let’s describe the amount you win per click and for each of your referral’s clicks depending on the type of membership you have:

Pioneer and Standard Membership

Per click: $0.010 (standard exposure) · $0.015 (extended exposure)
Per referral click: $0.005 (standard exposure) · $0.010 (extended exposure)

Golden Membership

Per click: $0.010 (standard exposure) · $0.020 (extended exposure)
Per referral click: $0.010 (standard exposure) · $0.020 (extended exposure)
NeoBux also have mini exposure advertisements where users earn $0.005 for each click without referral commissions.

NeoBux Minimum To Payout:

NeoBux minimum payout amount is set at $2.00 for your first payout request, $3.00 for the second, $4.00 for the third and so on until $10.00 .
This means that when you reach or go beyond this limit, you can request your earned money.

How much of time for payment processing:
After you request your payment, you’ll receive it instantly in your chosen payment processor account unless some kind of technical difficulty is encountered during the process.

Now your just know about NeoBux that make money easily, that’s just click here to become a member of NeoBux.

taotry work online with a method where you can make a great money online from your home computer whenever you have a litter time. Tomorrow I will share with your anonther website easily to make money online. Click Here for Register, or click the Banner below

Best Luck of big money :D

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Gabung di Yuwie, cari teman anda dan Dapat Dollar

Satu lagi nih program/portal jejaring social (social networking) sama kaya Frienster, Multyply, atau Facebook yang lagi membooming. Taukan apa saja yang bisa dilakukan di program itu ? ya cari teman (teman atau teman…he.he.he), diskusi, menulis, pajang foto pokoknya buanyak deh….

Nah di Yuwie juga sama kaya gitu, fasilitas dan tampilannya jagu tak kalah bagusnya. Bedanya nih di Yuwie kita bisa dapat Dollar dari
semua aktifitas/kegiatan kita yang istilahnya Impressions/impresi. Yuwie akan membayar kita ketika kita beraktifitas layaknya di Facebook seperti:
1. Meng-add Friend.
2. Melihat profile teman.
3. Profile anda dilihat oleh orang lain.
4. Menerima atau melihat pesan/command.
5. Orang lain Melihat blog anda.
6. Anda melihat blog orang lain.
7. Saling Melihat Foto.
8. Mensetting control panel .
9. Membaca pesan yg masuk di kotak pesan anda.
10. dll.. akan dibayar kecuali…

ini yang ga dibayar :
1. Me refresh halaman
2. Membuka halaman kurang dari 3 detik,hahaha...

Kenapa Yuwie mau Membayar kita ? karena di Yuwie itu banyak yang pasang iklan, Makin banyak yang bergabung artinya makin banyak yang melihat iklan tersebut,apalagi Yuwie juga bekerjasama dengan adsense.. kita dapat persenan juga dari yuwie.. enak kan !

Lantas Berapa dollar kita dibayar ? (kayanya ini paling penting ih..) Yuwie akan membayar segala aktifitas (pages view) Anda yaitu sebesar $0.50 per 1000views (sekitar 5 rupiah per view). Idih susah banget ya… Makanya ajak teman2 kamu bergabung.. kalau teman kamu ada 100 dan mem-View Halaman kamu sebanyak 10 kali kan jadi 1000 views.
Lalu kalau dikali buanyak ya banyak lahhhhh.

Coba aja Daftar gak ada ruginya kan ?

Daftar,klik disini

Ikuti petunjukya seperti isi Email dan password, kamu akan diberikan Personal URL[...............] nah yang titik2 itu isi dengan nama kamu…..

Ehhhh jangan lupa Bagi Yaaa Dollarnya…..! Baca Selengkapnya...

Monday, March 1, 2010

PTC Terpercaya dan Terbaru Maret 2010 / New PTC Trusted March 2010

1. Ragebux that is new ptc, launching today and low payout only $2. Join now with Ragebux


  • Payout $2.0, all member will be paid instantly
  • $ 0.005 per click and 0.005per referral click
  • ads for standard members = 4 ads
  • Payment with : Alertpay and Paypal

Don’t be late guy, get registered and get more money in Ragebux

2. MirageBux that is new ptc, and same domain with Glowbux. Cashout only $2. Join now with


  • Payout $2.0, all member will be instantly
  • $ 0.005 per click and 0.005per referral click
  • ads for standard members = 4 ads
  • Payment with : Alertpay and Paypal
3. CJBux that is new and Trusted ptc. Cashout minimum $2. Join now guys with CJBux

  • Payout $2.0, all member will be instantly
  • $ 0.01 per click and 0.005 per referral click
  • ads for standard members = 5 ads
  • Payment with : Alertpay and Paypal
4. Viennabux that is new arrival with Honey admin. Cashout minimun $2. Join now guys, don’t
be late with Viennabux.

  • Payout $2.0, all member 48 hours for standard and will be instantly for premium members
  • $ 0.005 per click and 0.005 per referral click
  • ads for standard members = 5 ads
  • Payment with : Alertpay and Paypal
6. Gen4Bux that is new ptc, have been launching and cashout only $2. Don’t be late, Join now
with Gen4Bux.

  • Payout $2.0, all member will be instantly
  • $ 0.01 per click and 0.005 per referral click
  • ads for standard members = 4 ads
  • Payment with : Alertpay and Paypal. Get registered and get more money in Gen4Bux
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Kumpulan PTC 2010 terpercaya

 You Will Succeed With Us!

Atau mau bikin account Alertpay dulu untuk pembayaran? Klik banner di bawah ini :


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